"Always Faithful"
Always Faithful
When joining the Marine Corps, you are a marine for life. The motto of the Marine Corps is “Semper Fi” which means, always faithful. The same is true when you have been baptized into Christ. Once a Christian you are always a Christian. Even street gangs believe after joining a gang; you are in for life.
While working on a list of those who have been baptized over the last many years, I was amazed at the number who have fallen away. Had we not taught them well before their baptism? Had we not taken care of these babes in Christ? Did they not understand this is a lifelong commitment? Could they not put away the old and take in the new, or did their worldly friends mean more to them than their souls? The numbers who fall away are staggering.
After being baptized, we are Christians for life. Even those who are withdrawn from are Christians, they are erring Christians, but they are still Christians. These Christian have a way to have their sins forgiven through prayer and by making changes in their lives.
When studying with someone who may want to be baptized, we must take great care to tell them what the Lord expects from them and the consequences of not following that plan. Once you have explained the plan the salvation and the one you have been meeting with understands their responsibilities, you can ask them, why do you wait? If we do our job correctly, we then have a new brother or sister in Christ. We need to treat every person as Phillip treated the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:30-38.
If, after reading this, you are ready to study or ready to be baptized, PLEASE contact us and we will be honored to help you with anything you need to save your soul.